Protection Racket Drum Mat Markers
If there is one thing we all have in common as drummers, it’s that we all need a good drum mat to place our percussive palaces upon. Whether you go for hardware-store basic, Carpet store […]
If there is one thing we all have in common as drummers, it’s that we all need a good drum mat to place our percussive palaces upon. Whether you go for hardware-store basic, Carpet store […]
Call me Old Fashioned, but I’ve always resisted using a drum rack. I understand the convenience they offer when you have a large set up and need things to be “just so”. I also get […]
I now understand what writers go through when trying to assemble an accurate description of the subject at hand. Whether it’s a painting, a great moment in sports, a catchy new song or the newest […]
Drummers of a certain age (my age) remember a time when there were two types of drum sets, the expensive ones we couldn’t afford and the cheap ones we didn’t really want. The high end […]
I keep an old ashtray on the counter by the back door to put my keys in, so I don’t forget them when I leave the house. They’re always there when I look for them […]
Where does innovation come from? Is it a magical drawing board, a folded cocktail napkin in a coat pocket, a late night spit-ball session in a conference room? Why does advanced design speak to us […]
In 1984 there were drummers who were purists and would only be seen behind an acoustic set of drums. The mere thought of playing plugged-in to anything even close to a drum machine or sampler […]
Famous Drum Sets No.2 As the “Trap Set” began to find its way into the pop music of the early 1900’s, it took on may shapes and configurations. Some drummers approached this new instrument as […]
As I began to think about how (and with whom) to start this column, something occurred to me… pianos. Pianos are exactly the same no matter who sits down to play them; none of the […]
You may be familiar with Pork Pie drums. In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s the custom drum builder was born as a direct reaction to drums that seemed to be snapped together on massive […]
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