Tech 21’s Power Engine 60 and 60T 60-watt powered extension cabinets are designed to match the company’s Trademark 60 combo amp and Bronze wood 60 acoustic combo, respectively. Both feature open back 1×12 cabinets (the 60T includes a specially design, high frequency horn), facilitate stereo configurations and can be endlessly daisy-chain and used with any direct recording device or acoustic pre-amp; perfect for daisy-chaining Power Engine 60s together for the really big gigs.. Other features include individual level control, three band active eq and ground independent inputs and output including ¼ inch and XLR inputs and an XLR output.
Tech 21 Power Engine 60 Features:
- 12″ speaker
- 60W of power
- Open-backed cab design
- Level control and three-band active tone
- Use as an extension for the Trademark and Bronzewood 60s
- Use as a standalone fronted by any direct-recording device or preamp
- Daisy-chain multiple Power Engines together for added power
- Price: $339.00

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