Top 5 Easy Guitar Songs to Learn How To Play

Easy Guitar Songs

Easy Guitar Songs for Electric GuitarWhen you decide that you’re serious about learning how to play music on guitar, then my advice would be to learn as many of your favorite songs as you can. You should target easy songs and progress your way up to more difficult music.  Make sure you have a CD or mp3 of the song available so you can play along with it; this will help you build structure and timing.

There are cool programs and tools available at your local music store which allows you to slow down the music, which slowly helps you build your speed and timing up. Do a search here on for training gear to learn with, we have gobs of reviews.

As mentioned, I can’t stress enough that learning easy songs to begin with will help you advance your skills. There are many great jams to choose from, your options are virtually endless, and, perhaps, subjective to some. (you know who you are =).

Top 5 Easy Songs to Play for Beginners

  • 1. Enter Sandman by Metallica 
    For you metalheads out there, I really like Enter Sandman by Metallica. This song involves some simple, but cool, guitar techniques. Such as slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs, bends and vibratos
  • 2. Hair of the Dog by Nazareth
    One of my all time favorite classic rock song is Hair of the Dog by Nazareth. This timeless classic has, in my opinion, has one of the catchiness guitar riffs that’s fun and easy to play.
  • 3.Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple 
    This was the first riff I learned on guitar 18-some years ago. It’s a song that is so easy to learn on guitar, you probably don’t even need the tab;  it’s easy to play by ear. This song played is practically covered by every bar band. This has to be the easiest guitar song to learn on this list.
  • 4. Jane Says by Jane’s Addiction
    Another easy guitar song to learn, which has a tremendous amount of emotion, is “Jane Says,” by Jane’s Addiction. The entire song is basically played with three chords. To learn this song, you will first need to learn the chord progressions; A-major and G-major —  one part of the song is played in G-major and the A11 chords. This song is not only easy to play on the guitar, but you will find it is well worth the time once you add in the lyrics. The continuous “side to side” groove adds to the fusion of easy guitar and soul-felt lyrics, which creates a cultured and seemingly-complex guitar song.
  • 5. Iron Man by Black SabbathThis song was released in 1970 on Black Sabbath’s Paranoid album, so it’s no surprise I grew up listening to this song. The main riff of this song is stupid easy to play, yet extremely powerful.  The story behind this song is brilliant, though many think the song was written for, and connected to the Marvel comic book ‘Iron Man’, it’s not. However, the song was used in the ‘Iron Man’ movie released in 2008. I do think with the song being in the movie actually helped revive the ‘Iron Man’ for the new generational guitarists.  Iron Man is classic and a lot fun to play on guitar. Tone tip, crank your gain, and volume on your amplifier. Make sure all your neighbors hear it!

There’s literally 100s of good songs to play on guitar. There are also 1000s of awesone acoustic guitar songs to learn as well. This list is geared for electric guitarists. If you would like to add more songs to play on your list, then please leave a comment below. Your thoughts/opinions are always welcomed here at

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