The Fender Stratocaster Story
Irrespective of time, place or anything, whenever people talk about guitars, be it anywhere in the world, the name Fender Stratocaster inevitably creeps in. Since its first appearance in 1954, it has […]
Irrespective of time, place or anything, whenever people talk about guitars, be it anywhere in the world, the name Fender Stratocaster inevitably creeps in. Since its first appearance in 1954, it has […]
Most people rip on anything made by foreign manufacturers, and demand it be made in America. Those who fit this bill are missing out on one of the best reissued guitars to date, the Fender […]
When Leo Fender created the Stratocaster’s six-screw tremolo bridge, he was simply hoping to find away to provide subtle vibrato and pedal steel effects. Though effective, Leo’s bridge didn’t provide the most stable tuning and […]
As many know, Jackson Guitars started when the heavy metal wave was on its peak. Grover Jackson first in-scripted his name on a guitar that was designed by the late Randy Rhoads in 1980, when […]
Squier is a second-line guitar company that sells low cost products akin to those of Fender Guitars, which was not always the case. Read History of Squier Guitars. Squier’s trademark comes from the […]
1960 was a great year for the Fender Company. It had been around long enough to see its designs road-tested under all manner of playing and recording conditions and was becoming the legend that we […]
We all love guitars and gear, right? That is why you are reading Gear-Vault and that is why I am writing this article. Those of us who have been doing this for more years than […]
The phrase “Made in America” seems to have a lot more meaning these days than it did in previous years. A wave of nationalistic pride has swept the U.S. guitar market recently, as more and […]
Fender is currently taking pre-orders on the new Jim Campilongo ’59 Top-Loader Telecaster. The guitar is a replica of Campilongo’s own vintage 1959 Tele that dates from the brief period that Fender changed the Telecaster […]
Only in the world of “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory” would the guitar-world have such craziness and drama, right? Wrong! We are all too familiar with the recent debacle the past few days–the ongoing internet […]
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