Musician’s Friend Stupid Deal – Any Smart Deals?

Musician's Friend Stupid DealMusiciansFriend’s Stupid Deal Of The Day –have any smart deals? I don’t always have the chance or memory to always take a peek at Musicians Friend’s Stupid Deal Of The Day. But I do try to keep somewhat of an inventory of their stupid deals.

Needless to say I’ve never found anything that attracted me to buy, yet. Hopefully one day I’ll find the that “smart deal” that compels me to click that “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” button. Of course, I’m personally attracted to electric guitars, tube amplifiers and stompboxes. I certainly don’t need anymore guitar cords, straps, or strings.

When I do have the opportunity to check out MF’s Stupid Deals, I usually see mic stands or, like today, PRS Cables Guitar Bud Interface cable for iPhone and iPod touch, though yesterdays TASCAM DP-32SD – 32 Channel Portastudio looked pretty interesting. But not exactly something that I really need right now.

Another trend about Musicians Friend’s Stupid Deal Of The Day is they do not like to reveal stupid stuff from prior days. I remember there was talk on a guitar message forum that Musician’s Friend was blowing out Fender American Telecaster Deluxe guitars for $699 and there were other reports of MF blowing out Dean Razorback guitars for $399 (normally $899) during Stupid Deal Of The Day stints, though these can not be confirmed.

So this got me thinking. What have you found on Musician Friend’s Stupid Deal Of The Day that was a smart buy? Did you buy it?

Okay Gear Vault readers, report Musician’s Friend’s Stupid Deals Of The Day on this page so we can keep an inventory of what’s stupid and what’s smart.


  1. I generally agree with you. The only thing I ever purchased off of the SDOTD was an Epiphone Limited Edition Wildkat. I later sold it on ebay for more than I paid for it so it worked out rather nicely. Still, I wish I had held on to it longer because they sell for even more than that now.

  2. Hey, how good of a deal did you get the Epiphone Limited Edition Wildkat for?

    Today MusiciansFriend’s Stupid Deal is M-Audio MobilePre USB Portable Audio Interface for $99.99; regular $149.99. Not bad!

  3. Checking their “deals”, along with Guitar Center daily pick,has been part of my electronic morning ritual for around 2 years now. I’ll leave it at – I’ve never made a single purchase from either.
    Basically, it’s like if Pepsi cost twice as much as Coke and they have a “sale” on Pepsi, making it the same price.. for a day.

  4. I check on most days and have picked up a few things. A Cordoba Ukelele, a Zoom Hn1, a sterling audio audio interface, and soon to arrive a gretsch 9200 resonator. I’ve only bought when I couldn’t find a matching price new or used, and for things I wanted. There are lots of cheap things marked down from a stupid price to a reasonable price, but it’s not hard to find a decent price on cables or mic stands.

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