Learning to Play Guitar from Home Just Got a Lot Easier

Learning to Play Guitar from Home Just Got a Lot EasierLearning guitar at home, on the go or pretty much any where you have access to a laptop with a dvd drive just got a lot easier. Legacy Learn systems guitar lesson dvd programs, Learn & Master guitar has come out with a new expanded edition containing 20 dvds (that’s 10 more then the fist edition) as well as home school editions.

This guitar instruction program is designed to replace the need for a teacher to instruct you in private lessons. Giving you the freedom to be able to learn at your own pace whether that be faster or slower then the course suggests.

For those that need structure the program does suggest how long it should take you to complete each section of the course. Also there is an online support forum included online where you can interact with other students as well as the teach himself.

More then Just DVD’s

Besides the dvd lessons there is also a 60+ page workbook that covers all your practice materials as well as 5 jam-a-long cd’s to play along with in later lessons.

The material starts with the very basics of correct form for left and right hand. How to tune the guitar, as well as the names of each strings.

If you’re already a more intermediate player and want to skip over those first few lessons don’t worry. Learn and Master has a curriculum for intermediate players as well by cutting out the first several lessons and skipping to the theory, scales and advanced chords.

Just Add Practice

Like a pre made recipe where you just need to add milk and eggs to bake a cake this guitar instruction dvd course just requires you to add practice and you’re on the way to becoming a great guitar player.

If you’ve been considering signing up for private guitar lessons consider this as a great alternative. It’s a years worth of content for most beginner guitar players and gives you the freedom to watch, learn and play when ever you feel like it.

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