Brownsville Choirboy and Hiwatt Bulldog 10

Brownsville Choirboy

This mongrel duo is a mixture of sweetness and range. The Brownsville Choirboy is a well-behaved instrument that puts hollowbody jangle within most musicians’ budgets. Its bound body is charitably outfitted with three “toaster-top” pickups and a five-way selector, from which you can order up oodles of focused jangle, ranging from tight bit to silky jazz. The bolt-on maple neck has a pleasing profile and a plateless heel for upper-fret comfort, all of which is graciously aided by an adjustable bridge and truss rod.

But, my, how the Choirboy can scream when teamed up with the Hiwatt Bulldog 10. This mean little amp serves up some feisty, 10-watt, bare-knuckled spank through its 5 ½-inch speaker. Controls for volume, high and low let you coax a range of tame tones from the Bulldog, while a simple punch of the overdrive button unleashes all of its pent-up fury. Plus there’s a headphone jack for those times when you and the puppy want to play by yourselves.

Brownsville Choirboy

1 Comment

  1. What the fecking fuck?

    The neon lime guitar pictured is a Brownsville, but NOT a Choirboy. The viddy is also a Brownsville, but is yet a THIRD (wrong) Brownsville model. This whole listing should be removed, as it is fuckuppery on a massive scale.

    The Choirboy is a 3-pickup guitar, the one pictured here on the page and the one in the video are two-pickup guitars. Totally wrong.

    This is a Choirboy:

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