The Tone King Is Stepping On 30 Pedals in 30 Days

Guitar ReviewsLongtime friend of, is now on its third year of pedal reviews for its TTK viewership. And, in the thick of this otherwise dreary November, the potential for winning big with gear giveaways coming at the end of this month is just beginning to warm up. The Tone King says, “This year, we’ve stepped up our game significantly with an even wider range of quality products and more of them than ever before. This has been an exceptional year for us getting sponsorships from some of the most impressive heavyweights in the guitar business: ESP Guitars, Dean Guitars, Bullet Cable, Dime Amplification and Orange Amps—that’s huge, simply huge!” The pedal reviews will continue through November 30th, culminating with the giveaways at its conclusion.

What sponsorships mean for those who tune into’s YouTube channel: is that these exceptional companies have provided premium gear for the videos, in addition to gear that you can win, including guitars and amps: specifically, a Slug Connector Kit & Coil Cable from the good folks at Bullet Cable, the Dean Deceiver FM in Transbrazilliaburst, the ESP Viper 330, Orange’s Tiny Terror head as well as Dime Amplification’s D100C combo. On top of that, TTK took enough time in the planning process to get things sorted out this year with each of the effect pedal makers.

This year, there will be more shoot-outs and a vastly expanded selection of pedals from new companies— ranging from inexpensive economy pedals to the high-end boutique lines something for every player. Stores only carry a limited subset of gear, so tuning into’s 30 Pedals in 30 Days review series can lead to learning something new and current about pedal gear as well as being a perfect time of year to put one of these pedals on a wish list, as pedals are a lot easier to ask for as gifts than most anything else.

TTK goes to bat for its subscribers and viewers—it’s at the heart of what started in the first place: better-informed consumers and any opportunity that can be found to help TTKers to end up with the best gear and the best deals that can be had—the veritable Robin Hood of the guitar world—leveraging his relationships with manufacturers, all in an effort to give back to the music community without letting advertising dollars dictate the content. The ever-increasing vast amounts of gear in TTK videos and these top-shelf giveaways are all with the consumer in mind to help them make the best decisions for themselves possible, and the top-shelf giveaways are the cherry on top to make the event more epic than ever before—also known as doing it “Tone King Style.” This Article was Written By Daniel O.

The Official Page for 30 Pedals in 30 Days 2011 can be found here:

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TheToneKing – 30 Pedals in 30 Days

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