Rocktron Egnater TOL 50 / 100 Tube Amp Head

Rocktron Egnater TOL 50

The Egnater TOL 50 is a two-channel, all tube 50-watt amplifier head powered with EL34 power tubes. Each channel is equipped with master and gain controls and switches for bright and boost. Channel 1 features a voicing switch for cleans and dirty rhythm tones. EQ controls include bass, mid, treble density and presence. The TOL 50 also features a power selector switch which runs the TOL 50 at either 50 or 100 watts. The TOL 50 was also available as a 1×12 and 2×12 combo amp.

Egnater TOL50 tube amp. 10 or 50 watts. (TOL100 10 or 100 watts.)

Rocktron/Egnater TOL 50 $1295. 10-watt or 50-watt. 1×12 combo version $1395, 2×12 $1495.

Has 10-watt setting. Beside the main power switch is a standby switch with a special feature: you can select 50 or 10 Watt for output power. Has fx level/mix control, the latter being of dual duty also. Can switch between series and parallel effect modes. In the series position, the control functions as a master volume; in parallel it controls the effect volume. Send and return jacks. Slave Out jack. Recording Out jack; the direct signal from the output stage can be routed from here to mixer, separate effects units, or additional amps systems. A push-pull pot sets the signal level, between 0 and -15 dB. Has an internal and an external speaker jack with impedance selector. TOL = Tone Of Life.

Rocktron – Egnater TOL 100 $1795. 10- or 100-watt tube 4-ch head MIDI. reverb. Ser/paraFX loop w/ level mixing. 10-watt power sw. 2×12 combo version $1995.

Top-mounted controls (on 1×12 and 2×12 combos) for convenient easy-to-use tone adjustments, reverse Oxblood grill cloth for an attractive look and black kayhide covering for the ultimate protection and road worthiness. Controls for Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence, Density and Reverb. The effect loop section features effect mix control for effect volume and a selector button for choosing either series or parallel effect loop option. Each of the two channels feature controls for GAIN and MASTER. Channel one features switches for Voicing, Bright and Boost for added tone manipulation. Channel two features controls for Bright and Boost. Footswitch controls for channel selection and gain boost (Egnater EG2 Footswitch included). 50-watt power amp section utilizing the time-tested Class A/B design, EL34 output tubes and the option to run at either 50 or 10 watts via the output selector switch. The preamp section features 4 specially selected 12AX7 tubes. Slave out with high/low level selector (for driving external effects and/or power amp.) Three-spring vintage reverb tank. Custom-designed 12″ Egnater Pro Speakers. (Celestion speakers optional on 2×12 combo) – Source:

Approximate Used Price: $900 – $1000 Buy – Sell – Trade used music gear at Gear Search

Egnater TOL 100

*note: the Rocktron Egnater TOL 50 tube amplifier is no longer in production.

  • Select either 50 or 10 watts into 4, 8, or 16 ohms
  • Two channels each with selectable gain/voicing and bright switches – Channel one for clean to crunch. Channel two for clean to Megadrive
  • Master Presence and Density controls
  • Series/Parallel effects loop with return level control
  • Slave out with level control for driving external effects/power amp
  • Rich, 3-spring vintage reverb
  • EL34 power tubes
  • Top mounted controls (on combos)
  • Combos come with heavy-duty removable casters
  • The Tone Of Life
  • Dimensions: 1 x 12 – 23.5″w x 20.5″h x 10.5″d. 2 X 12 – 27″w x 20.5″h x 10.5″d. Head – 23.5″w x 9″h x 9.5″d
  • Output Power: 50 watts into 4, 8, or 16 ohms
  • Input Impedance: 1meg Ohm
  • Density: +8dB at 100Hz
  • Presence: +8dB at 5kHz

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