Guitarist of 10 Years, Brian Vodinh, Guitar Gear


Brian Vodinh is one of the founding members of alternative metal band, 10 Years. He started off as the drummer for the band, but later switched to guitar. Some of his band members say he is a guitarist first, a drummer second.

Brian started taking guitar lessons at the age of 11 years old. He grew up around music as his father was a first-chair violinist in a symphony orchestra and his mother was a huge Elvis Presley fan. Brian says growing up with rock ‘n roll meets classical helped shaped his style.

Brian’s guitar influences growing up was bands like Deftones, Metallica, and Korn. Brians says you can hear a James Hetfield-style in his guitar playing, especially in his right hand attack. What helped him develop that style was his determination to learn Metallica songs, especially Master Of Puppets at the age of 13. See pictures of Brian Vodinh’s gear taken from the Carnival Of Madness Tour at the DTE Music Theatre in Clarkston Michigan.

Brian Vodinh’s gear list

  • Talor Standard Guitars (single cut)
  • Demeter TGA-2 guitar amplifier
  • Bogner Custom Shop Shiva guitar amplifier
  • Roland JCM120 2×12 combo
  • Bogner 4×12 speaker cabinets

Photos of Brian Vodinh’s Gear

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