Vox Black Diamond Modeling Combo Amp Review

Vox Black DiamondVox has released 2 new and great products; the first is the Vox Black Diamond Modeling Combo Amp which is a combination between the sweet vintage tone (valve) and the latest technology (digital modeling) that is related to the Valvetronix series family.

Features of the Vox Black Diamond Modeling Combo Amp include 200-massive-watts of output power (2×100-watt in stereo mode), a 12AX7 preamp tube (inside the Valve Reactor circuit, like in all Valvetronix models), 32 built-in different amp models (from the highly regarded classic to the modern models), 25 effects types (essentially 76 different effects in 3 banks, including, compression, wah and pickup simulator. In addition to another with distortion and spatial effects and the final one with modulation, delay reverb and noise reduction), 128 user and 64 factory presets, Celestion Neo Dog 150-watt speaker and a very appealing manual mode, which reflects the physical position of the knobs in the selected presets.

The Vox Black Diamond is loaded with an editor and library software, chromatic tuner, MIDI connections and optionally you can control some of the effects with a footswitch controller. The price and availability of the Vox Black Diamond Modeling Combo Amp have to be announced yet, but Gear-Vault can’t wait to get our hands on one and try it out. We’ll keep you updated – but in the meantime, head over to Gear-Monkey.com discussion boards. Vox Black Diamond Controls

Vox Black Diamond Valvetronix

1 Comment

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