Guitar Songs That Makes It Easy To Learn Guitar
Learning to play guitar takes lots of practice, patience and skill as well. In fact, according to experts the guitar is among the instruments that are very tough to learn and truly master it. Many […]
Learning to play guitar takes lots of practice, patience and skill as well. In fact, according to experts the guitar is among the instruments that are very tough to learn and truly master it. Many […]
Most fans of popular music know guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Steve Miller as the leader of The Steve Miller Band, who hit after hit in the wild and wooly 1970’s. There was a time when it was hard […]
Many are up in arms about the woman from Minnesota who is being fined $80,000 per song that she posted to a file-sharing network. Many feel the punishment doesn’t fit the crime, that it is […]
Sooner or later, it happens: band practice. For many people, rehearsal, or “re-hassle”, is a necessary evil, one that must be endured in order to get that glorious stage time that they (and their girlfriends) […]
You just don’t screw around with the guitar gods. And UK band Coldplay, who have just released their latest song ‘Viva la Vida‘, are learning the hard way. According to NME, Coldplay have been sued […]
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