Jensen Jet Series Electric Lightning JC12-70EL Speaker

guitar speakersJensen speakers were the original speaker used in guitar amplifiers back in the day, and they are prized and revered for the ultimate vintage tone they produce. Jensen used Alnico magnets in these speakers and players grew to love the way they responded to their personal touch and playing style. These days, players have many choices when it comes to the type of speakers they put in their amps and old-school vintage is merely one option out of many. Modern players are often seeking a speaker that works well with a variety of guitar sounds and can handle more power and operate at higher volumes than players of the past. Jensen addresses this need with the new Jet Series of speakers and has aimed the Electric Lightning squarely at those who live to be loud.

The Electric Lightning is a 12-inch guitar speaker that handles 70 watts of power and operates at 8 or 16 ohms. The whole point of the JC12 is to be a straight-up rock and roll speaker and give its user corpulent lows, punchy mids, and sparkling highs at paint-peeling levels. It is designed to easily take on the heaviest styles of guitar playing at the highest possible volumes. It is built on a ceramic magnet and looks to be a real contender in the rock guitar speaker market. The sound clips on the Jensen website are inspiring and the JC12 sounds great with both clean and dirty tones. A 4×12 cabinet loaded with these would be a powerhouse, but they would work well in a high-wattage combo, too. Rock players don’t always think of Jensen speakers, but the Electric Lightning may very well change all that. If you live loud and proud and are looking for a new speaker that isn’t one of the usual suspects, the Electric Lightning just may be what you need. Learn more and listen to tone samples at

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