Seymour Duncan Yngwie Malmsteen YJM Fury Single-coil Pickups

Seymour Duncan Yngwie Malmsteen YJM Fury Single-coil Pickups 1

No other guitarist unleashes the fury like Yngwie J. Malmsteen. His influence is undeniable, his technique unparalleled. So, when a legendary axe-slinging metal virtuoso like Yngwie says he wants to take his tone to the next level, we listen. After hundreds of hours of intense tone pursuit, we proudly unleash the STK-S10 YJM Fury.

The YJM series includes a dedicated bridge pickup as well as a separate neck/middle pickup, representing two highly individual customized voices that sound sweet and fluid with more articulation and responsiveness to dynamics. They’re recommended for any fast playing style including neo-classical, shred, hard rock, power metal, and heavy metal and can directly retrofit most single-coil equipped guitars. But players beware, installing the YJM Fury into your guitar, might unleash the Fury in you.

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