Dream date with Ozzy Osbourne at Ozzfest

Ozzfest tourBlake Beckman of Idaho is probably looking up at the sky thanking God for the opportunity of a lifetime. Why? Because he was just chosen as the winner of ESP guitars summer contest in which the winner gets an all expense paid trip to Dallas, Texas to see Ozzfest. Blake will hang with the Ozzfest crew, including Shadows Fall, Devil Driver and other ESP bands. Not only is he going to get to meet all of the Ozzfest bands, he also has special access to “Ozzy’s Lair” VIP area and gets free apparall from Affliction Clothing so he can be properly dressed and ready for the affair. (Some of the clothing will be hand signed by Ozzy Osborne himself and that is just another added bonus!) Of course, after all the festivities are over it is going to be hard to have to return to his small town life in Idaho, so it is a good thing he is going to have an ESP LTD KH-602 Guitar and Randall RM100KH Amplifier waiting for him back at home.

Beckman can play his new rig and think back to this amazing event in his life. How many people can actually say “I won a trip to Ozzfest, all expenses paid, limo, meals, drinks, hotel… and oh I also have hand signed Ozzie gear!” not too many people can honestly say that! But Blake Beckman can! How very lucky of him!


Are you just a little jealous of the prize package that Black Beckman has won? You can relive the experience with Blake after the show as his adventures at Ozzfest before, during and after will be featured later by ESP. If you still feel a twinge of guilt, keep an eye on ESP’s website espguitars.com as they are going to have more contests resembling the Ozzfest 2008 complete package later in the year.

The Ozzfest 2008 Sweepstakes was sponsored by ESP Guitars, AEG Live, Affliction Clothing and Randall Amps

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  1. It was a fun trip, to bad we never got any clothes and the amp had to be sent back cause it was damaged in shipping. Oh well, But I did get to take some badass photos of the show, check them out at iRockimages.com.

  2. Thanks for your comment Blake. That sucks that you didn’t get the clothes. Atleast they are taking care of the broken amp. Did you get to meet Ozzy (the godfather) ?

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