Top 5 Acoustic Guitar Songs For Beginners

Acoustic Guitar Songs You Should Learn

Learning Easy Acoustic Guitar Songs

Whether you’ve been playing the guitar for years or you’re just beginning to pick it up for the first time, pretty much anybody can recognize great acoustic guitar songs and appreciate them for their simple beauty. Unfortunately, not all acoustic guitar songs are all that easy to play. You have to master more than just chord progression and rhythm; the key to playing acoustic guitar songs is the passion and drive that you play each of the acoustic guitar songs with.

The first on my list of acoustic guitar songs that I want to mention is My My Hey Hey by Neil Young. This classic is absolutely unforgettable, and is a great go-to for anybody looking for a few great acoustic guitar songs. Fortunately, it’s not terribly complicated so you’ll be able to pick it up faster than many other songs. My My Hey Hey is one of his finer acoustic guitar songs.

Good Acoustic Guitar Songs For BeginnersAnother song that tops my list for great acoustic guitar songs is Dust In the Wind by Kansas. It’s one of the better songs out there and a must have for anyone who owns a nice piece of wood.

Bob Dylan, one of the greatest songwriters of the last several generations, has quite a few excellent acoustic guitar songs out there as well. From the technically challenging Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright to the simpler Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, this master has pumped out more easy acoustic guitar songs than anyone out there. You may not be immediately ready for many of these songs, but it’s always a good idea to have few Dylan songs in your arsenal to really get the crowd going. His songs are great for karaoke, singalongs, and pretty much any open-mic session I’ve ever attended.

If you’re looking for another classic to add to your acoustic guitar songs line-up, look no further than the Rolling Stones’ As Tears Go By. Again, the Rolling Stones add an impressive number of songs to my list of phenomenal acoustic guitar songs but this one really tops the list. It’s simple to play, beautiful for the acoustic, and extremely catchy. Though you may think of the Rolling Stones as having mostly rock songs, this simply isn’t the case and they really have produced quite a number of top-notch guitar songs. Angie is one of their classic songs, as well as Wild Horses. Try out any of these and you’ll be amazed at what your guitar is producing.

For metal heads out there, you can still find a few great acoustic guitar songs from your collection. Though not every metal band can add something to the list, SlipKnot manages to throw a really incredible song into the mix with Snuff. Some songs are just made to be played unplugged, and this song is a great addition to anyone’s arsenal of acoustic guitar songs.

After this list of good acoustic guitar songs, I’ll go ahead and add pretty much everything by Nirvana. They didn’t just write exceptional guitar songs; they made incredible music that should be played by anyone with a guitar. If you’re trying to look for some fun acoustic guitar songs, you can’t go wrong by sifting through their whole collection and just choosing songs at random. Nirvana’s unplugged About a Girl is absolutely beautiful, one a must have for anyone looking for superb acoustic guitar songs.

Learn each of these acoustic guitar songs and you’ll have a great collection of acoustic guitar songs to impress anyone.

Easy To Play Acoustic Guitar Songs w/ Guitar Tabs

My My Hey Hey by Neil Young
Acoustic Guitar Tab for My My Hey Hey

Dust In the Wind by Kansas
Acoustic Guitar Tab for Dust In the Wind

Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door by Bob Dylan
Acoustic Guitar Tab for Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

The Rolling Stones As Tears Go By
Acoustic Guitar Tab for As Tears Go By

Snuff by SlipKnot
Acoustic Guitar Tab for Snuff

If you’re looking for any easy guitar songs in addition to these good acoustic guitar songs, then check out for more sources.

Enjoy these Awesome Acoustic Guitar Songs!

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