Gibson Sammy Hagar Red Rocker Les Paul

Gibson Sammy Hagar Red Rocker Les PaulSammy Hagar is a rock artist with a career that spans from the 70’s to today and can claim a total of 60 million record sales to his credit. Gibson has chosen to honor Sammy and all he has accomplished with the new Sammy Hagar Red Rocker Les Paul.

The guitar is a traditional Les Paul shape and design with some Sammy-inspired appointments to reflect the individual that Hagar is. It features a weight-relief body made of maple and mahogany, a mahogany neck with rosewood fingerboard, a ’57 Classic and a Burstbucker 3 for pickups, and a Chickenfoot logo silk-screened onto the headstock. I will give you one guess what color it comes in (Gibson calls it “Cabernet”). It is basically a cool, flame-topped, deep red Les Paul with some cosmetic changes.

Initial reactions to the guitar have been “love the axe, lose the Chickenfoot logo”. Indeed, putting it on the headstock seems to be a questionable decision by Gibson, but the company seems prone to that sort of thing these days. The real question, to this writer, at least, seems to be the price. Gibson lists a price of $3894.00 for the Red Rocker on their website. If I were Sammy, I would feel insulted that the guy from Staind gets a signature model that tops out at over 17 thousand dollars and that his guitar isn’t even worth 4K to the big G. Staind can’t come close to the record sales that Hagar has had and probably never will. I am no fan of ultra-high-priced artist guitars, but, in this case, Gibson should consider switching the tags on these two instruments. 60 million records sold ought to be worth something.

Gibson Sammy Hagar Red Rocker Les Paul Video Demo


  1. There they (Gibson) go again!There is no dought that Gibson has lost their minds,not to mention a lot of used to be loyal customers,by the price tags they put on their guitars now!A person can buy a custom made fake Gibson with better quality for less!

  2. Gibson’s days are numbered with the price tags they are putting on their guitars now!Their quality control is terrible now&they are greedy.Maybe the quality control is due to them being the number one worst company to work for in the U.S.A.!

  3. Gibson has an unusual glitch on their website. I tried to place some comments about their new Sammy Hagar Les Paul Guitar. The Cursor for my typing keeps on disappearing and I tried to keep on typing. But, I gave up. It is a beautiful guitar, It may end being one of those most saught guitars because some people don’t want them. In the future, it may end up being a collectible. The price should be brought down around $2,500 for a signature guitar. Than it may sell in large quantities. But, yet, why not build a guitar with the same specs except for the chickenhead being put on the headstock. Without being a signature guitar, it will be cheaper and a lot of people would buy it. I am proud owner of a 2009 Les Paul Traditional Plus with the Ice Tea. This guitar is real beauty. It play the tone sound of the 1970s through my Fender amp. Anyway, Gibson should fix their website.

  4. Hello There ,
    I really like the THe new Sammy Les paul Complete with The Chickenfoot logo.
    For the sorry asses who dont like the logo buy a standard or traditional ,this one will be a collecter in the future like the 2008 les paul slash .I saw Chickenfoot this summer it was really a great concert if not more than that ,i will be proud having the chickenfoot logo on the headstock .And the price is high but if you want the real deal you gotta pay for it.
    greeting from a Chickenfoot Fan from the Netherlands

  5. There’s no dought Chickenfoot is a great band,but I feel sorry for a dumb ass that pays 4grand for a Les Paul now days just because it has a Chickenfoot logo on it, especially as bad as the Les Patls are being made these days!It shows his ignorance!

  6. Gibson needs to pay attention to how their guitars are being made but all they care about now is what they can do to justify the outragious price tags!Gibson is rated the #1 worst company to work for in the USA!

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