Protection Racket Drum Mat Markers
If there is one thing we all have in common as drummers, it’s that we all need a good drum mat to place our percussive palaces upon. Whether you go for hardware-store basic, Carpet store […]
If there is one thing we all have in common as drummers, it’s that we all need a good drum mat to place our percussive palaces upon. Whether you go for hardware-store basic, Carpet store […]
I now understand what writers go through when trying to assemble an accurate description of the subject at hand. Whether it’s a painting, a great moment in sports, a catchy new song or the newest […]
Famous Drum Sets No.2 As the “Trap Set” began to find its way into the pop music of the early 1900’s, it took on may shapes and configurations. Some drummers approached this new instrument as […]
Can you give me some information on earplugs? How well do they work, and do most rock musicians use them? Rockin’ Billy Bong xxxx@rocketmail.com While they’re relatively new to the world of rock music, earplugs […]
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