Moser V BVi Guitars

Moser V BViNeal Moser has been designing pointy guitars for many years and is known for his radical-looking instruments. He emerged from retirement in recent times to open the Moser Custom Shop in Southern California making high-end rock guitars and has also started to offer lower-cost import versions of his distinctive models, which is exactly what the Moser BVi-T is all about.

The BVi-T gives all the look, sound, and playability of a custom guitar, but with a production line price tag, which we can all appreciate in these tough times. It features a maple neck-through-body design with alder wings to make the V shape, happen and a unique cutaway behind the bridge that makes this unlike any other V guitar out there. The neck is cut to a 24 ¾” scale and has an inlay-free fingerboard with 24 medium-jumbo nickel frets. Hardware includes Grover tuners and a licensed Floyd Rose trem, all in metal-approved black.

The electronics here are two humbucking pickups, a blade-style unit in the bridge position and a more traditional six-pole pickup in the neck slot. Controls are an individual volume for each pickup, a master tone, and a three-way pickup switch. The no-name pickups sound great and have plenty of aggressive attitude for even the heaviest of metal types out there. The out-of-the-box setup is excellent and allows players to shred and riff with ease. Like any V guitar, this axe is meant for the stage and can be difficult to play sitting down. Other than that, this is a negative-free guitar that would make an excellent choice for any aggressive guitarist interested in something different.

Moser V BVi-T Guitar


Moser V BVi Guitars Video Demonstration


  1. Really bad hardware!!!

    First, the licensed Floyd Rose tremolo on these guitars is a disaster. It doesn’t stay in tune at all because of the flat knife edges (the friction point between the bridge and the mounting studs). Also, because of poor craftmanship, the two screws that hold the locking nut are so small that you’ll easily get a loose locking nut after a few pull downs/pull ups with the tremolo, affecting tuning stability as well. To avoid fret buzz, you have to set the action extremely high — to the point that I couldn’t even play comfortably. The sound is very flat and without life because of the generic pickups. The only good thing about this guitar is the excellent sustain because of the huge body. For the same amount of cash, you’ll get a lot more value with an ESP/LTD with the original Floyd Rose and real EMG pickups

  2. This “Gero” character mt have tried holding up his guitar by the trem arm or something. I doubt he owns one of these. If you love metal, get one of these! Worth searching for one! Mine sounds awesome, stays crunchy in milk. It is well balanced too. Guessing by his love of LTD guitars ,this other guy commenting is a new player. That is based on my experiences of also OWNING a couple LTD guitars. The Moser imports are in a class above the LTD stuff. I sold my F-200 because the hardware was crap. My Viper baritone suffered from poor workmanship.

  3. So long as we’re telling people what they are from behind keyboards, this Mot persona sounds suspiciously like a paid shill and/or exec from Guitar Center whose guitarist experience is limited to playing rhythm in a Smash Mouth cover band. He must really enjoy tuning his guitar with a hex key every 20-30 minutes. Or maybe he doesn’t bother tuning it? Now that I got that out of my system…

    3 kinds of people use tremolos: Jazz musicians who can afford a Bigsby trapeze system, kids that just dumped $90 on their first Squire Bullet at the local pawn shop and Kerry King. The Floyd Rose was a vexing contrivance, a failure and that is why they made the Floyd Rose II which wasn’t much better, just more complicated. Actual rock and metal guitarists know how to bend the strings on the fretboard with their fingers and don’t use these pieces of crap that just further shorten the life of the Überephemeral Ernie Ball strings you’re no doubt playing with, you child. The only people who say they like them are paid to say they do and get free “signature” guitars. Those forced to deal with them under duress typically just unscrew the whammy bar (which always manages to get in the way even though it’s supposed to hang down) until they can mail-order a new bridge.

  4. Ashtré so Dimebag wasn’t a good player? Eddie Van Halen? I’ve used Floyds for 30yrs and once it’s set I never have an issue until it’s time to change the strings. Maybe you don’t know what the fuck your talking about?

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