B.C. Rich Anniversary Guitar Collection

B.C. Rich Anniversary Guitar Collection

B.C. Rich has announced a new series of handcrafted guitars that celebrate their 40th anniversary as an instrument manufacturer. If specialized instruments are your bag – and money is no object – read on, dear collector.

The B.C. Rich Anniversary Guitars hearken back to the original designs offered up by the company: the Eagle, Mockingbird, Seagull and Bich. The differences in these 40th anniversary editions will be a commemorative logo on the back of the headstock, a certificate of authenticity, and a special serial number.

All four of the B.C. Rich Anniversary Guitars will feature the Neck-through-Body Koa wood design the company helped popularize back in 1969. Maple accent stripes, or stringers, are also featured on two models, and the guitars all also include the Grober Super Rotomatic tuners, Cal Rad knobs, and B.C. Rich Diamond fingerboard inlays (with the exception of the Seagull’s Snowflake design).

The 40th Anniversary Series lets us pay tribute to our original designs with these retro-inspired models,” said Rock Clouser, product manager for B.C. Rich.

Open up your pocketbooks collectors! More information can be found at the official site here, but each of these beauties will carry a hefty MSRP of $4200. Good luck getting your hands on one of these.

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