Want To Know How You Can Win Guitar Giveaways?

guitar giveaway
Hey GearVault readers, awhile back I randomly signed up to a guitar giveaway that I found on the net. I figured it was a waste of time because I NEVER win anything (hence, why I don’t play the lottery =). A month or so later I received an email saying I had won their contest and they shipped me a Gibson Les Paul Studio equipped with P90s and a Fender Deluxe combo amplifier. I was delighted! Though I already have my own gear, I just gave this stuff to my nephew so he could learn to play guitar. After feeling lucky, I downloaded an auto-fill extension to my browser (in my case Firefox) and signed up to a bunch other gear giveaways, it literally took 5 seconds and the effort involved one click of the mouse. About a month later I received a Maxon OD808 pedal in the mail.

So this gave me an idea! I decided to report every guitar/gear giveaway to you, GV readers, so you can get in on action! Of course since I have my handy-dandy auto-fill extension connected to both my FireFox and Chrome browsers, one click the mouse BAM! I am entered in these giveaways too… However if I win, I don’t need the guitars and gear as I have my own setup, I would rather give GearVault readers any merchandise I win! So when I win gear I will pass the equipment on to a dedicated GV reader. If you are not on GV’s mailing list, then obviously your email won’t be there to get selected for a chance to win, so you are going to want to sign up to the Feedburner mailing list below and activate it to prove your email is valid. If you fail to validate your email then it won’t show in our system and you will miss out on the chance to win. Another really cool thing is when you are on our Feedburner mailing list, you will get notifications of cool giveaways and hot news, but don’t worry, like you, I hate spam mail… so you don’t have to worry about that!

Enter to Win Guitar Giveaways 4 Life!
As well as receive other Guitar & Gear News!

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By entering above you agree to receive mail from GearVault. You will not only be registered in our system to win free shit, but you will also get updates about guitars, guitar songs, interviews, news and other cool state of the music gear. Only valid users are eligible to win.


  1. Yes you are. What I do is pick some lucky winner from my feedburner list. Only verified members apply, meaning you must approve your subscription via the first ‘subscribe’ email you get. Thanks!

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