Radio Noise with 1968 Vox Wah

1968 Vox Wah

I have an original Vox Wah-Wah pedal, and I think it’s probably time to put a new pot in it. My dad bought the pedal in 1968, and it’s starting to sound pretty noisy. I want to keep the tone and range if the wah the same. Do I need a particular type of pot? Also, I pick up radio stations loud and clear through the Vox and other pedals sometimes. Is there any way I can eliminate or reduce this problem?


You’ll be happy to know that part number ECB24B, otherwise known as the Dunlop Hot Pot, is a direct replacement for the original pot in your wah pedal. I’m told that it retails for about 20 bucks and is guaranteed for one million operations! Check the music stores in your area or contact Dunlop at (800) 722-3434 or If you’re not qualified to change it yourself, I’m sure any local amp repair shop would be able to do it for you for a few bucks.

As far as the radio stations you’re receiving, the solution may not be that simple. If radio signals are coming through loud and clear, I’d bet you live in a very close proximity to one or more radio transmitting towers. Since a guitar puts out a high impedance signal which you combine with all the active circuits that the signal travels through (all your pedals, your amp, etc.) before it actually comes out of a speaker, what you get is basically a guitar rig that acts like an antenna. There’s not a whole lot you can do to avoid this, with the exception of playing inside a cage of chicken wire (I’m not joking). One thing you might want to try is what’s known as an RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) filter. This gizmo is available at electronic supply stores and possibly Radio Shack. Plug your power cables into it and then plug the RFI filter into the wall socket. This can help eliminate interference that’s coming from the power lines in your house or rehearsal room. Give it a try—or get some chicken wire.

VOX V847 Wah vs Crybaby Classic Wah

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