Orange Tiny Terror Guitar Amplifiers

Orange Guitar Amplifiers The Orange Tiny Terror is the amp we have to thank for making lunchbox-sized amplifiers a very trendy and popular part of the guitar amp market. Sure, there have always been builders out there who cooked up gourmet/boutique welterweights for the well-heeled low-volume slinger, but the Tiny Terror put this sort of thing in front of John Q, at a street price he could afford. All of a sudden, these sorts of little guys are all the rage and we are seeing them come from lots of different amp companies and come in lots of different flavors.

Being made by Orange Amplifiers, the Tiny Terror is decidedly British and lends itself very well to rock playing of all kinds, as does the entire Orange line. It is also simple and direct, letting players hear what they and their guitars really sound like without a million knobs and switches in the way.

The Tiny Terror is a great amp for certain kinds of players. It is not the amp you want if clean headroom is a priority, nor is it the right choice for those seeking bone-shaking stage volumes, although it is surprisingly loud, even on the seven-watt setting. It is the right amp for those seeking a rock or blues overdriven guitar sound that comes from real power tube distortion, not preamp gain or a foot pedal, at a volume level that won’t get you evicted. The Tiny Terror can be cranked right up and gotten on the pipe at far more reasonable levels that your typical Marshall or Mesa head, making it an excellent tool for studio or club work. Plus, it is the most portable amp out there this side of a Crate Power Block.

Those who want a bit more headroom, tonal choices, and overall volume might want to check out the Tiny Terror’s big brother, the Dual Terror, which is 30 watts, Class A and two channels. Both amps are priced right, easy to lug around, and a whole lot of fun to play. If you haven’t experienced the Tiny Terror yet, slide on down to your nearest Orange dealer and contemplate the fact that dynamite does, indeed, come in small packages.

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Can the Orange Tiny Terror play metal?

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