Gibson Randy Rhoads Les Paul Custom


Randy Rhoads had one of the shortest but brightest runs at the top of the rock and roll game. His body of work with Ozzy Osbourne has stood the test of time and still provides inspiration for up-and-coming metal players and his legend has only gotten larger since his untimely death in a plane crash in 1982.

Now, the Gibson Custom Shop has announced plans to recreate Rhoads’ white 1974 Les Paul Custom, which has become one of the most requested guitars fans would like to see produced. There are not a lot of specifics available yet, but it will most likely be a faithful recreation of the guitar Rhoads played with Ozzy and is still heavily identified with. This is the “Crazy Train” guitar, which is the song that started Ozzy’s solo career and is still his most iconic non-Black Sabbath tune. RR fans the world over will no doubt be GAS’ing hard for these in the coming months.

The only sad thing about the Randy Rhoads reissue is that it will probably come with an out-of-sight price tag, if Gibson’s recent track record can be used as an indicator of what the company will do in the future. I would imagine this baby will retail for around $10,000 and sell for a bit less but, honestly, I hope it comes in cheaper. The higher the price of the guitar is reduces the odds that anyone will ever play a gig with one, which would be a shame. I think Randy would want his signature Les Paul guitar to be in the hands of players, not hanging on the wall in a McMansion. Time will tell, of course, and it will be a cool axe, no matter the price. Keep watching Gear-Vault and you local Gibson dealer for all the latest news.

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