Pacific Drums & Percussion M-5 drum kit

Pacific Drums & Percussion M-5 drum kit

Drummers of a certain age (my age) remember a time when there were two types of drum sets, the expensive ones we couldn’t afford and the cheap ones we didn’t really want. The high end was just that, high end! These were premium drums, high in quality but also high in price. The affordable end of the spectrum left drummers a little flat too; offering drums that were good for target practice, but as disposable as a Bic lighter. They did however come in a wide variety of shiny plastic colors such as Black, Red, Black, Black, and the occasional Blue.

Things have changed for the good. In 2000 The Pacific Drum and Percussion Company was founded by the venerable West Coast firm, Drum Workshop. Now celebrating ten years, PDP continues to offer drummers fine quality instruments, with looks to match, at a price that puts these beauties in the hands of eager beginners and seasoned pros alike.

One of the newest delights to come from PDP is the new M-5 kit. The M-5 sits in the center of PDP’s price line, but make no mistake; these drums are at home on any stage or in any studio. The kit features 7-ply all Maple shells – not “mystery wood” – , 45 degree bearing edges (Cough, cough…did you say Maple shells? OMG!) And these babies come in five gloss-lacquer finish options, two bursted beauties and three fancy faders. The set is outfitted with the same type of quality components you’d expect from PDP’s big brother DW with gorgeous chrome, suspension-type tom mounts, and easily adjusted ball-and-socket “L” arms.

The M-5 comes as a five-piece shell pack with two rack-toms 8”x10” and 9”x12” and a 12”x14” floor-tom on legs, top that off with a 18”x22” kick and a matching 5”x14” snare drum – all featuring DW’s “True-Pitch” tuning screws and you’ve got one fine set of Pro-quality drums for the price of many starter sets. But wait, there’s more…you can add on to your kit with matching 7”x8” and 14”x16” toms. Seriously? I mean seriously? If you’re looking for a set of drums for a young-up-and-comer, or as second set for yourself, hell even a first set! The PDP M-5 kit is DEFINITELY worth looking into. My how things have changed, you’d better get in line…behind me!

Now Check for price.

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