BEHRINGER VM1 Vintage Time Machine Pedal

BEHRINGER VM1 Vintage Time MachineBEHRINGER is ROCKING the guitarworld with the VM1 Vintage Time Machine stomp box. This beast is delivering 550ms of true analog delay to produce great sound of tape echo machines, which was popular in the 70’s. Effects include Chorus, Delay, Echo and Vibrato. Flexible sound-shaping controls including Effect Mix, Delay Time, Feedback and switchable Chorus / Vibrato with variable Depth control in a abundance of classic sounds. The VM1 sports an Input Level control with Overload LED and a true hard-wire bypass foot-switch to ensure signal fidelity and integrity.

What’s more, you hardcore giggers need rock solid rugged-ness. Rest assured, the VM1 sports a rugged all-metal chassis and includes an external PSU-SB DC power supply.

BEHRINGER VM1 Vintage Time Machine

The VM1 Vintage Time Machine retails for a cool $99.99 USD. Visit BEHRINGER’s official website at

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