Music & Life
Kiss Gods of Thunder
Kiss is one of those definitive rock and roll bands—y’know, the ones both critics and parents loathe, but the kids love anyway. When looking back over the history of rock, however, one can surely ask […]
Kiss is one of those definitive rock and roll bands—y’know, the ones both critics and parents loathe, but the kids love anyway. When looking back over the history of rock, however, one can surely ask […]
Crown is another name with a solid rep among pros the world over. The CE series seems designed for the first-time buyer or musician who has been forced to be a soundman without actually being […]
Among rock musicians, bass players have always had the simplest choice when it comes to gear: buy a Fender Precision and a “refrigerator” (Ampeg SVT recommended), plug the former into the latter and start shaking […]
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